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Transforming Education

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I have over 11 years of teaching and experience in the further education sector specialising in Politics, Geography, Sociology, Economics, Business Studies and Religious Studies. I enjoy creating educational resources that boost students understanding and confidence. I am an established TES author with many new exciting resources in the pipeline. I offer a range of resources for A Level.




I have over 11 years of teaching and experience in the further education sector specialising in Politics, Geography, Sociology, Economics, Business Studies and Religious Studies. I enjoy creating educational resources that boost students understanding and confidence. I am an established TES author with many new exciting resources in the pipeline. I offer a range of resources for A Level.
Presentation on Markets in Action (A Level Business Studies / Economics)

Presentation on Markets in Action (A Level Business Studies / Economics)

Comprehensive Presentation that Covers: Demand and Supply Responsiveness, Price Elasticity of Demand (PɛD), Price Elasticity of Supply (PɛS), Other Elasticities: Income Elasticity of Demand (YɛD), Cross-Price Elasticity of Demand (CɛD), Market Responsiveness, Market Adjustments Over Time and Price floors / Ceilings.
Presentation on Markets, Demand and Supply (A Level Business Studies / Economics)

Presentation on Markets, Demand and Supply (A Level Business Studies / Economics)

Comprehensive Presentation that Covers: Demand - The Demand Curve, Movements Along the Demand Curve, Shifts in Demand, Supply- The Supply Curve, Movements along the Supply Curve, Shifts in Supply, Market Equilibrium, The Determination of Equilibrium Price & Output, The Effect on Equilibrium of Shifts in Demand and The Effect on Equilibrium of Shifts in Supply.
Mergers, Acquisitions and Alliances & International Strategy (A Level Business Studies)

Mergers, Acquisitions and Alliances & International Strategy (A Level Business Studies)

Comprehensive Presentation that Covers: Key Issues In the Three Methods for Pursuing Strategy and Determine the Appropriate Choices Between Organic Strategies, Mergers and Acquisitions & Strategic Alliances, Sources of Competitive Advantage in International Strategy and Assess the Internationalisation Potential of Different Markets & Identify and Assess the Relative Merits of Different Market Entry Modes.
Presentation on Competitive Business Strategies  (A Level Business Studies)

Presentation on Competitive Business Strategies (A Level Business Studies)

Comprehensive Presentation that Covers: Strategic Business Units (SBUs) in Organisations, Identify Alternative Strategy Options, Including Market Penetration, Product Development, Market Development and Diversification, Distinguishes Between Different Diversification Strategies and Diversification Drivers, Business Strategy in terms of the Generic Strategies of Cost Leadership, Differentiation and Focus, Benefits of Cooperation in Business Strategy and the Principles of Game Theory to Business Strategy.
Presentation on Economic Issues (A Level Business Studies / Economics)

Presentation on Economic Issues (A Level Business Studies / Economics)

Comprehensive Presentation that Covers: The Economic Problem, The Factors of Production, The Dual Perspective (Micro versus Macro economics), Modelling Economic Relationships, The Production Possibility Curve, The Circular Flow of Income, Economic Systems, The Price Mechanism, Interdependence of Markets, Command Economies, Mixed Economies, Perfect Free Markets and Interpreting Models.
Presentations on Strategic Management (A Level Business Studies)

Presentations on Strategic Management (A Level Business Studies)

8 Resources
Comprehensive Presentations that Cover: Competitive Business Strategies, External Environment Analysis, External Environment – Critical Success Factors & Segmentation, Mergers, Acquisitions and Alliances & International Strategy, Organising for Success, Leadership & Strategic Change I, Evaluating Strategic Options, Corporate Strategy and Diversification and Strategic Capabilities & Internal Environment.
Presentation on Sensemaking and Organisational Learning (A Level Business Studies)

Presentation on Sensemaking and Organisational Learning (A Level Business Studies)

Comprehensive Presentation that Covers: Success & Failure: What Drives OL? Sensemaking, Organisational Memory, Organisational Routines, Dynamic Capability, Social Perspective of OL, Absorptive Capacity, Organisation Learning and Learning Organisation, Arie De Geus, Argyris and Schon, Action Learning - Revans, Action Learning - Mumford, The Fifth Discipline - Senge, US Contribution, Three Level Hierarchy, Learning Company, Experimenting Organisations, Encouraging Unwanted Behaviour, Knowledge Creating Company and Competitive Learning.
Presentation on Knowledge (A Level Business Studies)

Presentation on Knowledge (A Level Business Studies)

Comprehensive Presentation Covering: Knowledge Creating Companies, Competitive Learning Organisations, Component Tools Typology, Different Forms of Knowledge, Organising Knowledge: Ontology & Taxonomy, Ontology Generation Technologies, Inter-generating Ontologies, Capturing Knowledge Cognitive Mapping Tools, Capturing Knowledge Indexing a Text Database, Capturing Knowledge Information Retrieval Tools, Capturing Knowledge Text Processing, Capturing Knowledge Search Engines: Crawler Indexer, Capturing Knowledge Search Engines: IR and the Web, Capturing Knowledge Personalisation, Evaluating Knowledge Case-Based Reasoning, Evaluating Knowledge OLAP: On-line Analytical Processing, Evaluating Knowledge: Data Mining, Sharing Knowledge: Internet/Intranet, Sharing Knowledge: Groupware Tools, Sharing Knowledge, Web 2.0 Platform, Tipping Points: Word of Mouth Epidemics, Blogs, Syndication & RSS Feed, Mashups, Wikis, Online Social Networks, 3D Virtual Worlds, Storing Knowledge Data Warehouse and Presenting Knowledge Visualisation.